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Frequently Asked Questions

What are my child’s weekly “Specials”?
You will receive a schedule at the beginning of the year. Additionally, the weekly newsletter will list the specials for the following week. The third grade is on a 6 day “Specials” rotation including:
CRC: Cultural Reading Connection, Art, Music, Computer, PE

Do you need any help in the classroom?
Your help is appreciated, and very welcome. I try to organize items (like copy work) in such a way to allow my parent volunteers to help out while limiting distractions within the classroom that take away from instructional time with the children. Please feel free to contact me at any time if you are interested in volunteering in the classroom, or sign up on the volunteer sheet during Sneak-A-Peek.

Can my child “Charge” their Student Lunch?
Students will not be allowed to charge a lunch. Students who do not have money will receive a basic lunch consisting of a peanut butter (or substitute) and jelly sandwhich with a drink. Student lunches cost $1.60 per lunch. Please pre-pay when possible.

When do parents sign the agendas?
Parents are responsible for signing the agenda each evening. Your child should ask you to sign his or her agenda. The agenda is a means for communicating with you on a daily basis.

What are check-in and check-out procedures?
An written absence excuse is needed when a child is out from school. Students must sign in at the front office if he or she arrives in the classroom at or after 7:50 am. A student is marked tardy after 7:50 am.

Please be prepared to show your photo identification if you need to pick up your student before dismissal. Your child may meet you in the office if we have a note stating what time he or she will be departing.

When and how can I celebrate my child's birthday at school?
You may bring in cookies, cake, etc. The lunchroom is the very best time and place to share birthdays. Please notify me one day in advance about the type of snack you will be providing. The class will honor the birthday in the classroom as well. Please see our Daily Schedule for our lunch time.

When can my child go to the library?
Students may go to the library any day before 7:50 am. Additionally, each child will have an assigned day of the week to return and check out library books. We will also visit the library as a class once every two weeks.

Does my child have to read an Accelerated Reader book?
No, but I encourage the students to check out reading books at their appropriate level. Every child has a range of AR colors to choose from. The AR tests enable me, as a teacher, as well as you, as parents, to know how well your child is reading independently, and at what level.
You may visit the Accelerated Reader program page for more information.