Next Weeks Specials:

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September 2, 2005

Upcoming Event
Fall Fundraiser Deadline September 6th
Fall Festival September 23rd
Vote for Vaughan at the Avenues at West Cobb September 1st - 30th
Papa Johns Night September 8th
Chick-Fil-A September 22nd

Other Important Information:

Chicken Biscuits will be for sale every Tuesday morning from 7:00 am - 7:50 am starting September 13th.

PTSA General Meetings:

October 3rd 4th grade Performance
November 7th 5th grade Performance
December 5th 2nd grade Performance
February 6th 1st grade Performance
March 6th 3rd grade Performance



Day C



Day D



Day E



Day F


This week in third grade we went back in time! We discussed the differences and the similarities between Creek and Cherokee Indians. We read the book Mapping Penny’s World, which aided us in learning some important map features such as; title, symbols, labels, key, scale, and compass rose. We used many of these items when working on our Creek and Cherokee villages. They will be displayed in the hallway next week.
We also finished up our narrative writing project using a magazine picture for inspiration. We included all the key elements in our stories; setting, characters, plot, events, and ending. We will continue to write narrative stories through the first nine weeks. Please continue to help your child with punctuation and grammar through their everyday writing.